C.Scope Locator:
Function Checks
Generator Mode/ Transmitter Mode
Locate an outdoor test area that is free from extraneous fields
resulting from overhead and underground cables. The area should
also not be near fences, steel framed buildings, or on reinforced
concrete. Place the Generator/ Transmitter on the ground in the
normal orientation and switch on - a tone should be heard. Set to
Continuous and ensure lowest output power is selected.
With the Locator in the orientation shown, select CF Generator Mode/
Transmitter Mode. Rotate sensitivity fully clockwise. At a
distance of 10 metres the audio should still be present and the
display indicate full scale. Reducing the sensitivity should cause the
displayed reading to reduce and the tone to cut out.
MXL2 Locator only:
Repeat with both Transmitter and Locator set to 8kHz.
The results should be the same.