Checking your wiring
If you have a completely dead pedal and your LED will not light
up, this is usually a good sign that you are not getting power to the circuit. First you need
to make sure that you are using a fresh battery or good power supply. . Also make sure
you have a plug in the IN jack. This acts as your power switch. Now let's make sure you
have a good ground. Set your Digital MultiMeter to test for continuity. Continuity is the
setting where the meter makes a noise when you touch the two probes together. Now test
locations in the wiring diagram and make sure that there is continuity between all.
*If you don't get continuity between all 3 locations, you likely have a bad connection
along the red wire.
Now set your meter to test for 9VDC. Make sure you do not set it to test for AC. And if
you do not have an auto-ranging meter you will need to set it for the proper voltage. You
want to set it to test for the lowest voltage without going under 9V. This will probably be
20V on most meters. With the pedal/footswitch in the engaged position, you should get
approximately 9VDC when you touch the black probe to the NEG eyelet and the red
probe to the LED eyelet. You will probably get a little more than 9V with an adaptor and
a little less than 9V with a battery.
If you are not getting a reading here, keep the black probe on the NEG eyelet and move
the black probe to one of the
*If you do not get a reading now, you likely have a bad connection somewhere along
the black wire.
If you don't get a 9V reading at the NEG and LED eyelets, but you do get a 9V reading at
the NEG eyelet and all of the
locations, and you are certain that your footswitch is in
an engaged state, there is a possibility that you have a faulty footswitch or a bad
connection at lugs 1 and/or 2 of the footswitch. Test for continuity between lugs one and
two of the footswitch. Make sure to press the footswitch on and off so that you are
certain that you are engaging the throw between lugs 1 and 2 one way or the other.
*If you are getting continuity between lugs 1 and 2, then you likely have a bad
solder joint at lugs 1, 2, and/or the LED solder pad.
*If you are not getting continuity between lugs 1 and 2 regardless of what state the
footswitch is in, then you likely have a faulty foostswitch.
Set your DMM to test for continuity. Touch the probes to the
locations which would be the TIPS of the 1/4 jacks. When your footswitch is in the
bypass state, you should have continuity between the two
locations. Test lugs 8 and
9 of the footswitch for continuity.
*If you get continuity between lugs 8 and 9, but no continuity between the 2
locations, then you likely have a bad solder joint somewhere along the orange
wiring. This also includes the jumper connection between lugs 4 and 9.