BTL – 07p
operating manual & user's guide
page 17
A therapeutic example
Epicondilitis radialis subchronica of a typist
There is a trigger point in the middle of m. extensor carpi radialis
Epicondilitis radialis humeri l.dx., M 77.1, subchronica (Sch)
Combined therapy (BTL-06 + BTL-07p)
BTL-07p: f = 3MHz, 1:4 PPR, 0.8 W/cm
- 1.2 W/cm
, emitter head ERA = 4 cm
, semistatic application
BTL-06: faradic
surge, 150 Hz, 3/3 (program 0254), threshold motor
Location: right forearm extensors, trigger point in the middle of m.extensor carpi radialis brevis.
Indifferent electrode at least 6 x 6 cm on the right forearm flexors
Application time: 4 minutes
Number of treatments: 3, daily application
Ultr amplitude modulated mid-frequency currents
The mid-frequency currents
have no galvanic effects,and better tolerance. They have a deeper effect hence can
be used for changing reflexes in deep muscles. Use a 1 MHz ultrasound frequency when treating deeply
underlying muscles.
The combination of the BTL-06 and BTL-07p offers a selection of ultrasound parameters and amplitude
modulations Hence these currents can be used for surface muscles (at a 3 MHz frequency) as well as deep
muscles (at a 1 MHz frequency)
Mechanism of action
Same as the ultrasound/electrotherapy combination (see above). Optimal myorelaxation is attained at
150 - 180 Hz frequencies (The effectiveness of myorelaxation, unlike that of diadynamic current, is not lowered by
a 50 Hz frequency. (MF - DD current).
Use the continuous ultrasound
if improving the myorelaxation by increasing
the temperature. If you want to point
out the micro-massage or if hyperthermia
is not indicated, use the pulse ultrasound.
Application time
3 - 10 minutes. Using the positive step method after 1 minute is recommended. The application time for
the semistatic method refers to the affected area, whose surface is equal to the emitter head ERA. The application
time for dynamic method should be x times longer because the affected area is x times larger than the emitter
head ERA.
An initial intensity of 0.4 - 0.6 W/cm
is used for continuous ultrasound (1:1 PPR). For 1:2 - 1:4 PPR use the
intensity 0.5 - 1.0 W/cm
and for 1:8 - 1:16 PPR use the initial intensity 1.0 - 1.3 W/cm
The AMP intensity is chosen according to the effect. The above threshold sensitive intensity
principally has an 100
Hz amplitude modulation analgetic effect. Use the threshold motor intensity for an optimum myorelaxation
modulation 150 - 180 Hz effect. The patient should not feel any pain or burning in hyperallergenic zones or at
trigger points
during the application. If the application becomes painful, set the lower ultrasound intensity (include
this in the patient‘s medical record and make sure the patient‘s doctor does an immediate check-up on the
patient). If a burning sensation is felt on the trigger point,
set the lower mid-frequency
component intensity, add
the desired contact medium (it is not necessary to inform the patient‘s doctor).
Number of procedures
Usually 3 - 6 treatments. Written justification must be given in the patient‘s medical record for a greater number of
treatments. Three applications are recommended for a status acutus in deeply lying muscles. More applications
for usual status subacutus or subchronicus. Therapy may be continued if the effect is good and no causal
is available.
Procedure frequency
Apply daily for status acutus. For status subchronicus the frequency may be changed within one cure period
(3 times a day, later 3 times every second day).
Procedure prescription
Same as the ultrasound/electrotherapy combination (see above).
A therapeutic example
Inner incoordination in m.piriformis with persistent entezopathy of the right iliac joint
Inner incoordination of m.piriformis l.dx. with entezopathy in the iliac
area, M76.7, subchronica (Sch)
Combined therapy ultr AMP with the BTL-06 + BTL-07p
Ultrasound: 1MHz, emitter head 4 cm
, 1:4 PPR, 0.5 - 1.0 W/cm
, semistatic application