If you are using a Windows Dial Up Networking
connection and are also connected to a network
(LAN) using the IPX/SPX protocol, (for example, as
on some versions of Novell Netware) you will be
disconnected from the LAN while the Windows Dial
Up Networking connection is established.
To avoid this: Display the properties for Windows
Dial Up Networking, click the
S e r ve r Ty p e s
then click
d e - s e l e c t
for the
L o g o n t o n e t wo r k
I P X / S P X C o m p at i b l e
options. Then click
U n i m e s s a g e P r o N e t wo r k cl i e n t i n s t a l l at i o n
You must upgrade your copy of Unimessage Pro to
support network users on each of the PCs where you
want to use Unimessage Pro.
If the drive where Unimessage Pro is installed is not
already mapped on the PC:
N e t wo r k N e i g h b o u r h o o d
to browse to the
folder where you have installed Unimessage Pro.
Right click on the Unimessage Pro folder
M a p n e t wo r k d r i ve
from the menu that
is displayed.
Select the
C l i e n t
folder on the drive that is mapped
to where Unimessage Pro is installed,
S E T U P. E X E
in the folder to run it.
Confirm the drive where Unimessage Pro is installed,
the default suggested recommended. Register the
location of its components and install any Windows
updates that are required,
Restart Windows. Unimessage Pro will continue the
installation on re-starting. Follow the on-screen
instructions carefully.
P l e a s e n o t e
During the installation of Unimessage Pro network
client on each network PC
o n l y
create a device
driver if the modem or BT MultiJet 3000 is
connected directly to the workstation at which you
are installing the client – you can use modems and
BT MultiJet 3000s connected elsewhere on the
network from within Unimessage Pro.
• Additional email accounts can be created by
F i l e
, then
N e w
, then
E m a i l
• Additional devices can be defined by Clicking
F i l e
, then
N e w
, then
D ev i c e
at the PC to which
the device is connected.
You may only have the number of devices permitted
by your license active at any one time. You may be
able to upgrade your copy of Unimessage Pro to
enable you to use more devices at the same time if
your message traffic requires it. Please refer your
Unimessage Pro Administrator to the section on
Upgrading Unimessage Pro if required.
If you are using a Windows Dial Up Networking
connection and are also connected to a network
(LAN) using the IPX/SPX protocol, (for example,