AMETEK Brookfield Page 42
Manual No. M09-1200-F1016
Figure IV-19: Normalized Flow Function Graph
• Flow Factor: Select the setup tab. Check the box “Display Flow Index”. A dotted
line appears on the Flow Function curve under the Analysis tab. This is referred to
as the “Arching Flow Factor”.
The default value for the Flow Factor is 1.4; the value can also be selected by the
user and normally ranges between 1.0 and 1.8 in design practice; choosing values
below 1.4 shifts the Flow Factor line to give a steeper slope; choosing values above
1.4 shifts the Flow Factor line to give a lower slope.
If the Flow Factor line intersects the Flow Function curve, this point of intersection
defines the “critical consolidation stress”.
• Wall Friction Test data: Not applicable.
• Density Test data: Not applicable.
d) Friction Angle Curve:
• Flow Function Test data shows one curve based on the Effective Angle of Internal
Friction for each Consolidation setpoint and reports the Effective Angle of Internal
Friction for the critical Arching stress and critical Rat-hole stress.
• Time Consolidated Flow Function Test data reports the instantaneous Flow Function
results along with the Effective Angle of Internal Friction for the Time critical
Arching stress and Time critical Rat-hole stress.
• Wall Friction Test data shows one Wall friction angle curve for each displacement
setting and one curve based on the Maximum Wall locus. The data tab lists all Wall