AMETEK Brookfield Page 29
Manual No. M09-1200-F1016
Sample Notes can be entered in the box on the bottom half of the left column on the Main Screen.
This may provide information, for example, on how the sample was prepared or how long it has
been in storage.
Click on the disc icon above “Sample Identification” to save the information that you have just
entered on your sample. This creates a sample template that can be used for future tests with the
same information.
IV.3 Standard Test Method
This is the Default Test Method.
The middle column on the Tests Screen is used to select the type of test that you want to run. See
Figure IV-4. The default setting when first using the Powder Flow Pro software is “Standard” for
the test Method.
Figure IV-4: Close up of Middle Column on Main Screen
Choose one of the tests. The first five tests require the use of the Vane Lid. The last four tests require
the use of the Wall Friction Lid. The first five tests pertain to Flow Function, the next three to Wall
Friction and the final one to Density.
The advantage to using “STANDARD” test is that each method follows generally accepted practice
in industry for evaluating most materials. The resulting data will be a fair representation of the flow
behavior of the material and/or the density as a function of consolidation. Specific choices for test
parameters are not necessary because these values have automatically been built into the test and
cannot be changed.