Instruction Manual MI Series Industrial mini CORI-FLOW™
Possible cause
Inlet pressure or differential
pressure out of bounds
Set inlet pressure to a value within
Measured value rises, but never
reaches setpoint
Piping, filters and/or control valve
clogged or blocked
Clean system (flush with clean, dry air or a
non-aggressive cleaning liquid (e.g. ethanol
or isopropyl alcohol)
For external proportional control valves:
supply 0…15 Vdc and operational inlet
pressure to valve and slowly increase
voltage. If valve does not open, clean parts
and re-adjust valve
Inlet pressure too low
Increase inlet pressure
Outlet pressure too high
Check/decrease outlet pressure
Process outlet blocked
Check process outlet and downstream piping
Measured value or output signal
(much) lower than setpoint
Pressure signal gradually
decreasing without setpoint
Inlet pressure or differential
pressure too low
Increase inlet pressure
Use instrument in conditions it was designed
Process gas condensation
Decrease inlet pressure or increase gas
Piping or filters blocked or
Clean system
Sensor blocked or contaminated
Clean sensor
Valve blocked or contaminated
Clean valve
Supplied fluid type does not match
configured fluid type
Supply equipment with other fluid or change
fluid type in instrument configuration
Measured value or output signal
indicates a flow, while there should
be none
Mounting orientation and/or
ambient conditions changed
Use instrument in conditions it was designed
Adjust zero point (see
System leakage
Check the system for leakage. Follow vendor
instructions when installing third party
components (e.g. adapters, tubing, valves)
Continuous maximum measured
value or output signal
Inlet pressure too high
Check inlet pressure
Valve fully open
Close valve
Check if valve is in safe state (normally open
valves); remove cause if necessary (see
Sensor failure
Return equipment to factory