The CLI contains the following access levels:
• User EXEC - The level you enter when you first start a CLI session. At this level, you can view some
system information but you cannot configure system or port parameters.
• Privileged EXEC - This level is also called the Enable level and can be secured by a password. You
can perform tasks such as managing files on the flash module, saving the system configuration to
flash, and clearing caches at this level.
• CONFIG - The configuration level. This level allows you to configure the system IP address and
configure switching and routing features. To access the CONFIG mode, you must already be logged
in to the Privileged EXEC level.
You can set the following levels of Enable passwords:
• Super User - Allows complete read-and-write access to the system. This is generally for system
administrators and is the only password level that allows you to configure passwords.
You must set a Super User password before you can set other types of passwords.
• Port Configuration - Allows read-and-write access for specific ports but not for global (system-wide)
• Read-Only - Allows access to the Privileged EXEC mode and CONFIG mode but only with read
Assigning passwords
Complete the following steps to set passwords.
Depending on the device you purchased, and the code (Layer 2 or Layer 3) loaded on your system, the
router prompt is displayed accordingly. For example, for an ICX 7250-48P device running Layer 3 code
on the device, the router prompt displays ICX 7250-48P Router> at the CLI level.
1. At the opening CLI prompt, enter the following command to change to the Privileged EXEC mode:
device> enable
2. Access the config mode of the CLI by entering the following command:
device# configure terminal
3. Enter the following command to set the Super User password:
device(config)# enable super-user-password joe
You must set the Super User password before you can set other types of passwords.
4. Enter the following commands to set the port configuration and read-only passwords:
device(config)# enable port-config-password john
device(config)# enable read-only-password sam
If you forget your Super User password, refer to the
Recovering from a lost password
on page 56
Assigning passwords
Brocade ICX 7250 Switch Hardware Installation Guide