--Specifies the stack unit ID. For models that support stacking, the range is from 1 through
the maximum number of devices (units) that can be supported in the stack.
--Specifies the slot number. Stacking ports are in slot 2.
--Specifies the port number in the slot.
This example shows how to specify stacking port 3 in slot 2 of unit 3 in a stack:
Brocade (config) # interface ethernet 3/2/3
Specifying a management port
The management port number is always 1. This example shows how to specify the management port:
Brocade (config) # interface management 1
Port, system, and power status LEDs
The devices include LEDs that indicate the status of device components.
Some examples of the port status LEDs are shown below. LEDs for similar ports are present for models
with higher number of ports.
Port status LEDs on RJ-45 ports
1. RJ-45 ports
2. Status LEDs for corresponding ports
3. PoE/PoE+ LEDs for corresponding ports
The PoE/PoE+ LEDs are reserved on models that do not support PoE or PoE+ operation.
Specifying a management port
Brocade ICX 7250 Switch Hardware Installation Guide