Type 3:
Ramped Duty Cycle. CV161 defines the start of the on
time within the period; CV162 defines the ramp up time;
CV163 defines the end of the on time within the period;
CV164 defines the ramp down time. The period is 127
counts. CV161 < CV163 and both should be less than 128.
CV162 and CV164 can be any range from 0 to 255.
0 127
On Time
Ramp Up
Light On Ramp Down
CV161 CV163
The time between 0 and CV161 represents the total time
the light is turned on over one period. The actual period
time (0 to 127) is 11.6ms. CV162 is a ramp up timer
determining how many periods elapse before the On
Time is increased by one. Once CV161 increases to CV163
value, the ramp down begins. CV164 is a ramp down
timer determining how many periods elapse before the
On Time is decreases by one. Once CV163 decreases to
CV161, the ramp up cycle repeats, etc. CV162 and CV164
increment/decrement at 90.7usec per count.
Soft Strobe Example: CV160=3; CV161=10
CV162=100; CV163=127
Ditch Light Example: CV160=131; CV161=0
CV162=40; CV163=130
Gyro Light Example: CV160=3; CV161=0
CV162=50; CV163=130