Brew-Boss® V2.06 Operation Manual
The following image shows the remaining steps of the BIAB step definition screen example
Step 13 – Heating wort to boil:
We now want to raise the temperature of the kettle to Boil, which we
already got a head start on in the previous steps. We use Step Type 3 again. We set the appropriate
prompt, set the setpoint to 220F, turn the pump off, and of course tell the user verbally what we are
doing with the Speak Flag set to 1 as well. We also set the Boil Flag to 1 to tell the controller we want
it to automatically detect and store the boil temperature. If the Boil Flag is not selected, this step will
never terminate if the setpoint entered is never reached. (See the Boil Detect Time definition in the
System Parameters section of this document for a description on how the controller detects boiling). If
Auto Brew Mode is selected, the controller will automatically advance to the next step when the
Setpoint is reached or boiling is detected..
Step 14 – Boiling state reached. Add boiling hops:
When we get here, the kettle has reached boiling,
so typically Boiling Hops are added. Because we are using the
Hops Boss
automatic hops feeder in
this example, we use Step Type 2 for the first time. Step type 2 allows us to prompt the user (give a
status update) but not require their interaction. If we were not using the
Hops Boss
automatic hops
feeder and instead wanted the user to manually add hops, we would use Step Type 1. So we prompt the
user “Boiling state reached. Adding boiling hops”. We set the Setpoint to 220F with the Boil Flag still
set to 1 to tell the controller to use the stored boil temperature that it automatically determined. Since
we placed our Boiling Hops in dispenser tube #1, we set the Hops Feeder Position (Hops Pos) to 1. At
this time the controller will rotate the feeder to empty hops dispenser tube #1 into the kettle and tells us
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