Loose wire or connector.
Check all wires and connectors that connector to the auger
motor, high limit switch, and the molex connector.
Bad control board.
If the fuse is good, the wires and connectors check out good,
and the high limit switch did not trip, test for power going to the
auger motor. If there is not a full current going to the auger motor
when the fuel feed light is on, you have a bad control board.
Circuit board malfunction.
If the auger motor runs constantly, the board is bad.
The control board is not sending power to the fuel sensor
thermodisc or other auger system components.
There should be a 5-volt (approximately) current going to the
fuel sensor thermodisc after the stove has been on for 10 minutes.
The proof of
re (Fuel sensor) thermodisc has came upluged.
Check the (Fuel sensor) thermodisc to see if the wires are
connected properly.
The proof of
re (Fuel sensor) thermodisc has malfunctioned.
Temporarily bypass the Fuel sensor thermodisc by disconnecting
the two wires and connecting them with a short piece of wire.
Then plug the stove back up. If the stove comes on and works,
you need to replace the Fuel sensor thermodisc. This is for testing
only. Do not leave the thermodisc bypassed. Your blowers will
never shut off and if the
re went out the auger will continue to
feed pellets until the hopper is empty if you leave the fuel sensor
thermodisc bypassed.
Power surge or brown out situation.
A power surge, spike, or voltage drop could cause the high
limit switch to trip. Use a surge protector.