Event Creator
With your collection of discrete Actions defined, you can now specify what Events will cause one or more of those Actions to
be executed . Events can be triggered in a variety of ways, Encore and Teacher Edition software, FrontRow Control panels, a
FrontRow push button (CB75 microphone or CB50), an Action! Mic, or from a non-FrontRow GPI trigger .
Events 1-16 have pre-defined triggers that cannot be changed, events 17-20 do not have triggers .
Select the event with the trigger you plan to use and click Edit . Clicking on New opens the next undefined event number . The +
sign next to an event Trigger means that it is also assigned to an Action! Mic Button .
To create an Event:
1 . Click New
2 . Name the Event
3 . Chose a mode
All (in parallel):
All actions for the event will be executed but in no particular order . When order does not matter but you want
things to happen as quickly as possible, this is the recommended choice .
Each (in order):
Actions for the event will be executed in the order listed . This is useful when the order matters to you; for
example, turning off a projector before retracting a projector screen . To change the order of the actions in the event, drag
actions up or down with the three lines next to the action name .
One per call (in sequence):
The actions will be treated as a loop, executing the next Action in the series each time the Event is
initiated (e .g ., with 2 actions: Action 1 on the first button press, Action 2 on the second button press, Action 1 on the third but-
ton press, etc .) . This is useful for toggle functions like power or mute .