DOC0003192. Rev 03
75 / 79
06 July, 2009
Section 8: AD Folder Access via Shortcut (Drive Mapping)
This section will provide details on mapping folders using the shortcut method, which
offers both desktop accessibility and drive mapping to your
To reiterate on the setup method shown in Section 5.5 ADS (Active Directory Service
– Method2), please see below, along with further detail on how to then map your
folders, offering greater flexibility
This section will provide details on accessing folders using the shortcut method,
offering both desktop accessibility and drive mapping to your
The process begins as follows: -
Right click on your desktop and select new, then select shortcut. This will bring up
this window
Enter the IP address of your
and specify the folder you wish to connect to
(e.g. projects). Please note you must have permission to access the folder, which can
be setup via the
GUI. Don’t forget to use the double backslash \\ at the
Click next, then type in a name for your shortcut that has a meaning for you (e.g.
Projects shortcut), or accept the default name, then click finish. This will create a
desktop shortcut to the projects folder.
After the shortcut has been created, it can then be added as a mapped drive (if