DOC0003192. Rev 03
54 / 79
06 July, 2009
Setting user access rights to a folder
Click on folder icon
A window will appear allowing you to setup user access rights to that folder
By default, access rights are set to “Set access for individual users” with “No access”
selected for each group & user (this means you can select the rights for each group
& user on an individual basis)
With “Set access for individual users” and “No access” selected, you can change each
group & users “Properties to share” by selecting either
No access
(that group or user has no access to this folder)
(that group or user has read only access to this folder)
Read and write
(that group or user has read and write access to this folder)
If you change the “Share properties” in Groups, select “Apply” under Groups
If you change the “Share properties” in Users, select “Apply” under Users
If changes are required in both the Groups and Users sections, then complete each
section separately