DOC0003192. Rev 03
59 / 79
06 July, 2009
ADS Mode Recommended Folder Access methods
Method 1
This method involves the use of a logon script and is a method system administrators
will be familiar with. It also offers an easy and convenient folder access process,
particularly for users who experience difficulty in accessing
folders via My
Network Places / Neighborhood. For those of you who are new to this process,
please review the following information.
A sample logon script has been provided for your information.
The content of a logon script can vary from business to business, and can
contain other options not illustrated in our example e.g. mapping network printers.
The sample is provided for illustration purposes only, and should not be taken as a
This file can be created in notepad, then saved with a .bat extension i.e. logon.bat
The file contains mappings to
folders created by the system administrator,
and to which users should has access permissions. Please note that drive letters
cannot be used more that once and cannot already be in use. In the sample file,
folders will be mapped to the following drive letters K: R: H: and Q:
It is important to use the IP address for the
in the login script file, and
mappings can be created in the form illustrated above. (Obviously the IP address
and folder names are dependant on your own particular setup).
When the file is completed and saved, System Administrators should add this to the
C:\Windows\SYSVOL\domain\scripts folder on their windows AD server. The script
file name must also be configured within the user account properties for all users
who require access to the folders via the login script.