Bosch Rexroth Corp.
, USL00010, 01.2015
1 General
1.1 Scope and purpose of the documentation
• This document is intended to be a guideline for initial axis commissioning of the CKL Linear
Motor Module.
• The parameters found within are based solely on the use of Bosch Rexroth IndraDrive Cs
servo drives.
• For 3rd Party Servo Drives, while items on the initial parameter set may be the same, expect
minor adjustment requirements depending on the Drives‘ Manufacturer recommendations.
2 Commissioning
• Verify actual CKL system in-hand and all Preconditions (see page 5).
• Print or display the “Commissioning Flowchart” Part 1 and Part 2 relevant to Hall sensor
type as you commission the CKL system.
• Step through the flowchart by reading the relevant instruction pages.
• Please be advised, the instruction pages are NOT meant to be completely read straight-
through in page order. For example, if using analog Hall sensor, not all instruction pages are
necessary (see flowchart). Furthermore, depending on success/failure of a step, looping
through previous steps might be required (see flowchart).
General Information