en | Alarm
MIC IP starlight 7000 HD
2016.07 | 5.0 | F.01U.291.520
Operation Manual
Bosch Security Systems
Time: If you select this option, then an input field appears to the right. In this field, enter
the time for the activation of the alarm in hours and minutes. (The default value is 00:00.)
Time range: If you select this option, then two input fields appear to the right. In these
fields, enter the time range for the activation of the alarm in hours and minutes. (The
default values are 00:00 and 00:00.)
Manipulation alarm: If you select this option, then an alarm will begin when the camera
detects anyone manipulating it (for example, if the housing of the device is opened).
4. Choose one of the following output commands for both Output 1 and Output 2 settings:
Note: Not all options are available for all cameras.
None: no defined command.
Alarm Output: defines a physical connection from the open collector alarm output.
AUX On: defines a standard or custom keyboard ON command.
AUX Off: defines a standard or custom keyboard OFF command.
Scene: defines a preset scene from shot 1-256.
Monochrome: switches the camera video to monochrome mode.
5. Click Set to save. The camera’s system activates the alarm rules.
Note for MIC7000 cameras only
Alarm Output is available only when the field
Application Variant
in the
Application Variant,
page 50
is set to either of the following values: )
”[camera name] - IO“ (for a camera connected to MIC-ALM-WAS-24)
“[camera name] – VJC-7000” (for a camera connected to VJC-7000-90)