BOGE Operating instructions for scroll compressors, series EO 6...EO 22 D
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Who are these operating instructions aimed at?
Part 1: General
1.1 Who are these operating instructions aimed at?
These instructions are aimed at end customers of BOGE who have purchased
a scroll compressor and wish to operate it.
In addition to reading these instructions, the user must meet the following pre-
requisites in order to ensure professional operation of the compressor. S / he
have an understanding of the control and of the accompanying operating
have an understanding of the accompanying operating instructions for the
additional components.
be classified as skilled personnel or trained personnel with technical back-
ground knowledge in the field of compressed air technology.
1.2 Content of these instructions
These operating instructions deal exclusively with the functionality and opera-
tion of a BOGE type EO scroll compressor.
The prerequisite for safe operation of the scroll compressor is adherence to all
the stipulated safety information and directions for use. Personnel must there-
fore have carefully read and understood these operating instructions before
carrying out any work. In addition, the accident prevention regulations applica-
ble in the location where the compressor is used as well as the general safety
regulations must be observed. The illustrations in these instructions are pro-
vided for basic understanding and may differ from the actual version of the
product. No claims can be made on this basis.
The following content and work descriptions do not (or only to a limited extent)
form part of these instructions:
Work on the electrical installations, e.g. the electrical commissioning or
repairs to the control.
Work on the DS refrigerant dryer, on the compressed air treatment com-
ponents or on accessories.
Work on the electrical installations may only
be carried out by an authorised
and qualified electrician or BOGE Service personnel.
BOGE recommends having the control, compressor(s) and accessories set up
and commissioned by BOGE Service personnel. Repair and maintenance
work on the compressor should also be carried out by BOGE Service person-