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You can use your freezer for freezing fresh food your-


•  The temperature in the freezer compartment

must be –18 °C or colder before freezing food.

•  Please observe the freezing capacity given on

the rating plate. The freezing capacity is the
maximum quantity of fresh food that can be fro-
zen within a period of 24 hours. If you wish to fre-
eze food several days in a row, please observe a
maximum capacity of only 2/3 to 3/4 of that on
the rating plate. The quality of the food is best
preserved when it is frozen right through to the
core as quickly as possible.

•  Allow warm food to cool down before freezing.

The warmth will cause increased ice formation
and increase the power consumption.

•  Please note the maximum storage times speci-

fied by the manufacturer.

•  Thawed foods which have not been processed

further (cooked into meals) may not under any
circumstances be frozen a second time.

•  Containers with flammable gases or liquids can

leak at low temperatures. There is a risk of an
explosion! Do not store any containers with
flammable materials such as, for example, spray
cans, fire extinguisher refill cartridges etc in the

•  Bottles and cans must not be placed in the free-

zer. They can burst when the contents freeze, high
carbonate content drinks can even explode! Never
store lemonade, juices, beer, wine, sparkling wine
etc. in the freezer. Exception: high alcohol content
spirits can be stored in the freezer.

Freezing and storing frozen food

•  All foods must be packed air tight prior to free-

zing, so that they do not dry out or lose their fla-
vour, and so that no flavour contamination of
other frozen goods occurs.

Caution! Do  not touch frozen food with wet hands.
Your hands could freeze to the food.

1. Place the packed food in the drawers. Place food

to be frozen in the upper drawer equipped with
its own refrigerating unit. Unfrozen food must not
touch items already frozen, otherwise the frozen
food could begin to defrost. 

2. Place frozen foods in the drawers sorted by type,

as far as possible. 

Ice pack

There are three ice packs in one drawer of the freezer.

In the event of a power failure or malfunction, the ice
pack will lengthen the amount of time it takes for the
frozen food to become too warm by several hours.
The ice pack can only fulfil this task optimally if it is
placed in the uppermost drawer, at the front, above
the frozen food. You can use the ice pack for cooling
cold bags.

Preparation of Ice Cubes

1.  Fill the ice cube tray 3/4 full with cold water, place

it in the freezer compartment and leave to freeze.

2. To loosen the frozen cubes, either bend the ice

cube tray or hold it under running water for a few

Important! Never try to free an ice tray that is frozen
to the freezer compartment using pointed or sharp
edged objects. Use the ice scraper supplied.



Frost is automatically eliminated from the evaporator
of the refrigerator compartment every time the motor
compressor stops, during normal use. The defrost
water drains out through a trough into a special con-
tainer at the back of the appliance, over the motor
compressor, where it evaporates.


The freezer compartment, however, will become pro-
grssively covered with frost. This should be removed
with the special plastic scraper provided, whenever
the tickness of the frost exceeds 4 mm. During this

















Fixer par encliquetage le couvercle (C) sur la glissiè-
re (A).

En cas de fixation latérale de l’appareil au meuble
colonne, desserrez les vis des équerres (G) et dépla-
cez celles-ci d’aprés la Fig. Fixez à nouveau. Appli-
quez le couvercle (E).

Fixer par encliquetage le couvercle (D) sur la glissiè-
re (B).

Pour effectuer l’éventuel alignement de la porte du
meuble, utiliser le jeu des trous ovales.

A la fin des opérations, il est nécessaire de contrôler
que la porte de l’appareil se ferme parfaitement.

Ouvrir la porte de l’appareil et celle du meuble à 90°
environ. Introduire l’équerre (B) dans la glissière (A).
Tenir ensemble la porte de l’appareil et celle du
meuble et marquer la position des trous comme l’in-
dique la figure. Enlever les équerres et pratiquer des
trous de 2 mm de  à 8 mm du bord externe de la
porte. Remettre l’équerre en place sur la glissière et
fixer avec les vis fournies.

Содержание KFI 1290

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