Blichmann Engineering, LLC 2015
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Lastly, install the 4 pot retaining bars as shown in Fig 13 using the 6mm nuts and bolts provided with the bars.
Note that the bars can be moved in/out to accommodate pots up to 20” in diameter. Fig 13a shows the hole
positions to use for different diameter pots. At this time tighten all of the hardware on the burner tier. This
concludes the assembly of the burner tiers.
Assembling the Shelf Tiers
Using the hardware provided with the shelf tier install the angle brackets onto the bottom side of the shelf as
shown in fig 14. Note that the heads of the screws should be on the top of the shelf so they do not interfere
with coolers placed on the shelf. Next, install the arms on the INSIDE of the angle brackets as shown in Fig
15. Also shown in Fig 15, install 2 t-slot plates on the inside of each arm as was done for installing the legs
previously. It is recommended to leave the fasteners only finger tight until the tier is installed on the stand to
aid leveling of the shelf tier.
Fig. 11
Fig. 13
Fig. 12
Fig. 13
Fig. 13a