NeuroMotive™ User’s Manual
LB-0336 Rev. 1.00
Page 48
Figure 41 shows the markers with a 5x5 Low Pass filter, 3x3 Morphological Opening filter, and 3x3 Morphological
Dilation filter. With a smaller dilation filter (3x3), the markers do not merge and both separate yellow markers are
Figure 41 - 5x5 Low Pass filter, 3x3 Morphological Opening filter, and 3x3 Morphological Dilation filter
Figure 42 shows the threshold image with the luminance threshold reduced from 63 to 6. Three more spots pass the
threshold filter (yellow circles); one of them even passed the marker radius filter. If we continue decreasing the LED
luminance threshold, we will get the same result as if we only used the color threshold from before resulting in an
abundance of false yellow markers being detected.
Figure 42 - Luminance Threshold reduced from 63 to 6