6.2.2 R
(1) Remote composite channel loop
When the remote composite channel loop is connected, the composite channel
data transmitted by the local Multiplexor is returned from the remote Multiplexor
after regeneration but without any other processing. Any data transmitted from
theremote Multiplexor sub-channels is lost during loop connection. This loop tests
the complete transmission path, including the local Multiplexor and the
communication link.
As long as the loop is connected, the SYNC indicator of the local Multiplexor
must light continuously; failure to do so, after the local Multiplexor performed
satisfactorily on the local composite channel loop, indicates a problem in the
communication link. For example, intermittent flashing of the SYNC indicator
indicates high error rate on the link.
Sub-channel activity indicators light according to traffic; the lighting of the OVF
indicator means that the Multiplexor buffers are full because of flow control
problems caused by the equipment connected to one of the local sub-channels.
(2) Remote sub-channel loop
When a remote sub-channel loop is connected, the local transmit data is
transmitted to the remote Multiplexor, and returned to the local Multiplexor sub-
channel instead of the transmit data connected to the remote Multiplexor sub-
channel. All the data arriving from the remote Multiplexor sub-channel while this
loop is connected is lost.
As long as the loop is connected, the sub-channel activity indicator lights
according to traffic. The equipment connected to the sub-channel must receive its
own transmit data without errors. Failure to do so, after the local Multiplexor