Chapter 4: Operation of Web-based Management
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Parameter description:
VLAN Name: The name defined by administrator is associated with a VLAN group. Valid letters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, “-“ and “_”
characters. The maximum length is 15 characters.
VLAN ID: VLAN identifier. Each tag-based VLAN group has a unique VID. It appears only in tag-based and Double-tag mode.
IGMP-A: IGMP Aware enables the switch to issue IGMP host messages on behalf of hosts that the system discovered through
standard IGMP interfaces. The system acts for its hosts. This switch’s IGMP Aware function
“Enable” or “Disable”
can be set by the
VLAN group. If the VLAN group IGMP Aware is disabled, the switch will stop the exchange of IGMP messages between the VLAN
group members. If the VLAN group IGMP Aware is enabled, the switch will support the exchange of IGMP messages in the VLAN
group members and follow with IGMP router port configuration, which connects to a router closer to the root of the tree. This interface is
the upstream interface. The router on the upstream interface should be running IGMP. You enable IGMP on the interfaces that connect
the system to its hosts that are farther away from the root of the tree. Refer to Section 3.15.1 for a detailed IGMP Aware function
Member Port: This is used to enable or disable if a port is a member of the new added VLAN. “Enable” means it is a member of the
VLAN. Click on the check box (
) beside the port x to enable it.
Add new VLAN: Click on
<Add new VLAN>
to create a new Tag-based VLAN. Input the VLAN name and the VID. Configure the SYM-
VLAN function and choose the member by clicking on the check box beside the port No.. Then, press the
button and the
setting will take effect.
Figure 4-24. Create VLAN group.
Delete Group: Just press the
button to remove the selected group entry from the Tag-based