Chapter 4: Operation of Web-based Management
724-746-5500 |
Yes: The ingress frame has fragmented packets.
No: The ingress frames does not have fragmented packets
IP Option: A list of optional specifications for security restrictions, route recording, and source routing. Not every datagram specifies an
options field.
Any: Includes all IP option case
Yes: The ingress frame has specific IP options
No: The ingress frame does not have specific IP options
SIP Filter: (SIP Source IP Address) Any/Host/Network
Any: Includes all source IP addresses
Host: Includes only one specific source host IP address
Network: A specific IP subnet segment under the source IP mask
SIP Address: Default:
SIP Mask: Default:
DIP Filter: (DIP Destination IP Address) Any/Host/Network
Any: Includes all destination IP addresses
Host: Includes only one specific destination host IP address
Network: A specific IP subnet segment under the destination IP mask
DIP Address: Default:
DIP Mask: Default:
IP Parameters: (Frame Type = IPv4 and IP Protocol Filter = ICMP)
ICMP Type Filter: Any/Specific
Any: Includes all types of ICMP type values
Specific: Depends on ICMP type value settings for ingress classification
ICMP Type Value: 0-255
ICMP Code Filter: Any/Specific
Any: Includes all ICMP code values
Specific: Depends on ICMP code value setting for ingress classification
ICMP Code Value: 0-255
IP Parameters: (Frame Type = IPv4 and IP Protocol Filter = UDP)
Source Port Filter: Any/Specific/Range
Any: Includes all UDP source ports
Specific: Depends on Source Port No. setting for ingress classification
Source Port No.: 0–65535