Chapter 4: Operation of Web-based Management
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Figure 4-166. MVID Group Allow configuration.
Parameter description:
IP Address Range: The switch supports two kinds of options for managed valid IP range, including “Any” and “Custom.” The default
is “Any.” If you chose Custom,” you can assign an effective IP range. The valid range is–
MVID: The switch supports two kinds of options for managed valid MVID, including “Any” and “Custom.” The default is “Any.”
When you choose “Custom,” you can fill in the VID number. The valid VID range is 1–4094.
4.17.8 MVR Group Membership
Function name: MVR Group Membership
Function description: Displays the MVR Group Membership information.
Figure 4-167. MVID Group Membership.
Parameter description:
Refresh: The Refresh function shows the current MVR group Membership status.
Previous Page: Move to the previous page.
Next Page: Move to the next page.