8- and 24-Port Gigabit L2 Managed Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) Switches
724-746-5500 | blackbox.com
LPB4008A(qos-ports)# show
Number of Classes:2
2 Medium 1 3 Weighted Fair 2/2/2/2
3 Low 1 0 Strict Priority 1/2/4/8
4 Low 1 0 Strict Priority 1/2/4/8
5 Low 1 0 Strict Priority 1/2/4/8
6 Low 1 0 Strict 1/2/4/8
7 Low 1 0 Strict Priority 1/2/4/8
8 Low 1 0 Strict Priority 1/2/4/8
9 Low 1 0 Strict Priority 1/2/4/8
10 Low 1 0 Strict Priority 1/2/4/8
b. qcl
Syntax: set <dscp> < tos> < tagpriority> <qce type> <value> <class>
Description: Add the QCE entry in the specific QCL.
Argument: <dscp>: dscp field, syntax 1,5-7, available from 0 to 63
<tos>: tos priority, available from 1 to 8
<tagpriority>: tag priority, available from 1 to 8
<qce type>: Ethernet
<value>: 0xfff0
<class>: high
Possible value: <dscp>: dscp field, syntax 1,5-7, available from 0 to 63
<tos>: tos priority , available from 1 to 8
<tagpriority>: tag priority, available from 1 to 8
<qce type>: Ethernet
<value>: 0xfff0
<class>: high
LPB4008A(qos-qcl)# set 2 0 3 ethernet 0xfff0 high
LPB4008A(qos-qcl)# show 2 1
QCE Type: Ethernet Type
Ethernet Type Value:0xfff0
Traffic Class: High