DWG-01-027 Rev. E - ©2021
DWG-01-027 Rev. E - ©2021
Automated Cleaning Parameters
Hot tap
2X Concentrate
Presoak and Cleaner
3 mL/liter
Neutral Detergent 0.7
Visually inspect each instrument for remaining soil and
moisture. If soil remains, repeat the cleaning process. If
instruments are wet, use filtered compressed air or a lint
free wipe to dry.
Ultrasonic cleaning should not be used on the
Sizers since it may cause crazing of the polymer material
and markings.
The user is responsible for the qualification of any
deviation from the recommended cleaning method.
9.2 Sterilization Instructions
The Handle should be removed from the Sizer or Gage
Sphere prior to cleaning and sterilization.
The four Sizers, the single Gage Sphere, and Handles
should be placed in the instrument tray for steam steril-
ization. The following sterilization cycle is recommended:
Temperature: 132°C (270°F)
Dwell time: 4 minutes
Cycle: Pre-vacuum
Dry time: 20 minutes minimum
The user is responsible for qualification of any deviations
from the recommended sterilization method.
BioStable acknowledges that the Sterilization cycle
described below is routinely used by European hospitals
and has been validated for many similar heart valve Sizer
systems and surgical instruments.
Temperature: 134°C (274°F)
Dwell time: 3 minutes
Cycle: Pre-vacuum
Dry time: 20 minutes
The components of the HAART 301 Instrument Set do
not pose any significant challenge to sterilization using
this widely validated process. The instrument materials
can withstand temperatures up to 137°C.
9.3 Re-use
BioStable has performed a minimum of 50 sterilization
and use cycles on the HAART 301 Instrument Set without
any signs of wear being noted.
The Sizers, Gage Sphere, and Handle are
intended for multiple uses as long as they are inspected
before each use for signs of damage. The Sizers and
Gage Sphere should be visually inspected for crazing
of polymer materials, cracks and signs of structural
weakness or unreadable markings before each use. The
Handle should be inspected for visible cracks or signs of
structural weakness before each use and after bending.
Replace any instrument that exhibits these faults, as it
may not function properly and could cause patient injury.
Disclaimer of Warranties
Although the HAART 300 Aortic Annuloplasty Device
and HAART 301 Instrument Set, hereafter referred to as
“product,” have been manufactured under carefully con-
trolled conditions, BioStable Science & Engineering has
no control over the conditions under which this product is
used. BioStable Science & Engineering and its affiliates
(collectively, “BioStable”), therefore, disclaims all warran-
ties, both express and implied, with respect to the product,
including, but not limited to, any implied warranty of mer-
chantability or fitness for a particular purpose. BioStable
shall not be liable to any person or entity for any medical
expenses or any direct, incidental, or consequential dam-
ages caused by any use, defect, failure, or malfunction of
the product, whether a claim for such damages is based
upon warranty, contract, tort, or otherwise. No person has
any authority to bind BioStable to any representation or
warranty with respect to the product.
The exclusions and limitations set out above are not in-
tended to, and should not be construed so as to, contra-
vene mandatory provisions of applicable law. If any part
or term of this Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of
Liability is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to
be illegal, unenforceable, or in conflict with applicable law,
the validity of the remaining portion of the Disclaimer of
Warranty and Limitation of Liability shall not be affected,
and all rights and obligations shall be construed and en-
forced as if this Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of
Liability did not contain the particular part or term held to
be invalid.