BioNomadix Logger™ User Guide
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Tap Mode
The accelerometer options include “Tap Mode” settings which enable haptic (tapping) feedback to the Logger unit.
Tap Mode is useful when a subject needs to interact with the unit but does not have direct access to the screen
buttons, such as when the Logger unit is inside a shirt pocket. With Tap Mode enabled, Logger functions such as
waking up the unit, inserting markers during acquisition, or initiating 30-second audio memo recordings can be
accomplished by lightly striking or “tapping” the Logger unit. The unit will vibrate/beep briefly in response to the
“tap” input.
Normally, the default Tap Mode settings (Tap Threshold, Tap Time, Tap Latency and Tap Window) are sufficient for
optimal response to the “tap” input. However, it may be necessary in certain cases to adjust these parameters in order
to increase or decrease “tap” sensitivity. These settings are defined on pages 5-6, but the following diagram further
illustrates how the Tap Mode settings are applied:
Tap Mode Settings: Threshold, Time, Latency and Window
With Tap Mode enabled, the following inputs are available:
Unit sleeping
1 tap
Wake unit from sleep
During acquisition
1 tap
Insert marker into data