ONCORE PRO, Operating Manual, Rev. K
Generate Reports
Click “
Generate Reports
” to open the
Report Generator
Refer to
Section 6: Reports
, p. 74, for more information.
Move Robot XYZZ Arm Aside
Close the door and click “Move Arm Aside” to move the robotic arm to the center of the instrument.
This will enable the user to gain access to the left side of the instrument to fill the buffer bottle and inspect wash
stations, pumps (if applicable) etc.
Perform System Initialization
Close the door and click “
Initialize System
” to initiate system initialization. The robot will initialize the XYZZ axes
while all 36 module lids move up to Home. Then each pump will initialize over its respective waste station.
Check for Module Malfunction
“Check Modules”
to check the function of the modules.
The Check Modules window will open to display 36 module checkboxes.
Select the modules using the check boxes then select the option to check:
Figure 61
Click “Start” to initialize the system and start the countdown timer.
Click “
” to cancel the module check.
Figure 62
Select the Heater option to check for heater malfunction.
The heaters will take several minutes to heat to higher temperatures during the heater check. To avoid
burns/injury, do not resume operation until the heaters have cooled down sufficiently.
If all the selected heaters pass the heater check, the system will return the message:
All heaters are functioning properly.