December 2019
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
Section 9: Set-Up Routines
Set-Up Routines
Set Data Logger
The “data logger” routine allows setting of the data logger parameters (see VIEW mode,
Maintenance, Data logger, Section 10.4.6).
To start the data logger the following data should be set:
Table 12.
Configuration procedure
Move the local selector to OFF and then simultaneously press OPEN and STOP.
Select the language and then enter the password according to the instructions
(see “Entering the set-up mode”). When the message displayed is “SET-UP MODE
OK?” press YES. Press NO to scroll through the list of available menus and then
press YES to select the "Maintenance" menu.
Press NO to scroll through the list of available routines and then press YES to
select “data logger”.
Press YES if the mode is correct; otherwise, press NO to scroll through the list of
modes and press YES to select the desired value .
Press YES if the sampling time is correct; otherwise, press NO to scroll through
the list of times and press YES to select the desired value.
Press YES if the memory mode is correct (stop when full or continuous);
otherwise, press NO to change and press YES to select.
Press YES if the start time is correct; otherwise, press NO to scroll through the list
and press YES to select the desired sampling times (hour, min, sec).
Press YES if the start date is correct; otherwise, press NO to scroll through the list
and press YES to select the desired sampling times (day, month, year).
Logger mode
recorder, event, off
Sampling time
from 1 to 3600 seconds (the sampling time is only used in recorder mode)
Memory mode
stop when memory is full, continuous (stop after overwriting the memory
5000 times (event) and 10000 times (recorder/T-recorder)
Start date
date when the logger starts
Start time
time when the logger starts