7. Operation
1. Preparing the atomiser
• For reasons of hygiene,
it is imperative that the
atomiser and accompa-
nying accessories are
cleaned and disinfected
after every use.
If the therapy requires that various different medi-
cines be inhaled in succession, ensure that the
atomiser is rinsed after every use. For details, see
Cleaning and disinfection on page 16.
• Remove the cover (1) from the device.
2. Filling the atomiser
• Open the medicine container
(2) by opening the clip, and fill
the medicine container with
an isotonic saline solution or
medicine. Do not overfill! The
maximum recommended fill
amount is 8 ml.
• Use medication only on the advice of a physician,
and check the appropriate inhalation duration and
quantity for your needs.
• If the recommended dose of the medicine is less
than 2 ml, top up this quantity to at least 4 ml using
only isotonic saline solution. Viscous medicines may
also require dilution. Always follow the instructions
of your doctor.
3. Closing the atomiser
• Close the lid of the medicine container (2) and click
the clip in place, and then refit the cover (1).
4. Fitting accessories
• When the required accessories (mouthpiece, adu lt
mask or child mask) have been attached to the de-
vice, attach the device firmly to the assembled medi-
cine container (2).
• The adult mask and child mask must be fitted using
the connecting piece (12) (adapter).
• Now place the device to your mouth and close your
lips firmly around the mouthpiece. When using either
of the masks, place it over the nose and mouth.
• Start the device using the on/off button (5).
• The spray mist coming from the device and the illu-
minated blue LEDs (4) show that the device is work-
ing perfectly.
5. Inhaling correctly
Breathing technique
The right breathing technique is important to ensure
that the particles are distributed as widely as pos-
sible into the air ways. So that they can enter the air
ways and lungs, you must inhale slowly and deeply,
hold your breath briefly (5 to 10 seconds) and then
exhale quickly.
• You should only use nebulisers to treat respiratory
disorders if advised to do so by your doctor, who will
recommend the medicine, dose and application for
inhalation therapy.
• Certain medicines are only available on prescription.
You should hold the device as upright as possible.
Tilting it slightly will not, however, affect its function,
since the container is leakproof. To ensure that the
device functions correctly, make sure that you do
not tilt it more than 45 ° in any direction and that the
medicine is in contact with the mesh while in use.
Essential oils, cough medicines, solutions designed
for gargling, and drops for application to the skin or for
use in steam baths are wholly unsuitable for inhalation
using a nebuliser. These substances are often highly
viscous and can impair the correct function of the de-
vice and hence affect the effectiveness of its applica-
tion in the long term.
In the case of oversensitivity of the bronchial system,
medicines containing essential oils can sometimes
cause acute bronchiospasm (a sudden, cramp-like
tightening of the bronchi accompanied by breathless-
ness). Always ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice!
6. End of inhalation
• After treatment, switch off the device using the on/
off button (5).
• The LEDs (4) go out.
• Once the inhalant has been fully sprayed out, the
device switches off automatically.
For technical reasons, a small amount may still re-
main in the medicine container (2).
• Do not use it.
• If applicable, disconnect the power pack (13) from
the mains.
7. Clean the device
For information about this, see “Cleaning and disinfec-
tion” on page 16.
8. Cleaning and disinfection
Observe the following hygiene instructions in order to
avoid any health risks.
• The nebuliser and accessories are intended for mul-
tiple use. Please note that cleaning and hygienic re-
conditioning requirements differ according to the dif-
ferent areas of application.