The user of the welding positioner ultimately is in charge of the safety
precautions that concerns the user or other people next to the machine. Only
persons that are familiar with the functions of the machine are allowed to operate
the machine, and the given instructions must be applied. We recommend that the
person operating the machine should possess the occupational safety card.
Operating the machine incorrectly resulting in incorrect functions or incorrect
functioning segment might cause an abnormal situation, in which the user as well
as the equipment may be damaged. All types of working, standing, walking etc.
under the workpiece is strictly forbidden.
1. Everyone operating the machine must be well aware of
operating the machine and correct electrical grounding
functions of the machine
valid work safety regulations
2. Before starting the machine, it must be attended that
the work area contains no people, who have not been assigned to
work with the machine
nobody is looking directly at the electric arc
the electrical grounding has been carried out in accordance with the
given instructions
3. The workplace must be
suitable for using the machine
clean and free of any random objects
4. Personal safety equipment
always use instructed personal equipment, for example safety
goggles, fireproof clothes and safety gloves
Be careful in using baggy clothes, belts, bracelets etc. that may get
stuck with the machine or workpiece
5. General
Check that the ground cable has been sufficiently connected and
especially that there no loose connections
Only the experts of electrical engineering are allowed to fix and
maintain electrical devices
The necessary fire protection and prevention equipment must
accessible from a place clearly marked
Lubrication and maintenance of the machine is prohibited while
operating the machine; comply with the given maintenance