the translation at the same time.
C. Tap [F2Sentence] to play the recorded voice of a single sentence.
* Press /
to select sentence
* Tap [F1Play] to pronounce the highlighted sentence.
* Tap [F2Sentence] to check Thai translation of the highlighted sentence.
* Tap [F2Translation] first, then tap [F1Play], you can listen to the voice and read
the translation at the same time.
D. Tap [F3Role] to select which character you want to be. Your voice will be recorded
and played back for comparison.
E. When finish recording your voice in the dialogue, tap [F4Play] to play the dialogue
again, listen to your voice and find your weaknesses.
For example,
1. Select a title.
2. Tap [F1 Read ALL]
3. Tap [F1Play] to listen to the recorded
4. Tap [F1Pause] to stop the conversation.