Spelling Check
: Display words that similar in pronunciation.
Nearest Word
: Access the closest word in alphabetical order.
Add New Word
: Add the word into User’s Dictionary.
A. Type an English word.
B. Press
to look up the word.
C. If no data is found, press the corresponding numeric key or tap on the screen to
select a secondary search.
D. If you choose “1. Spelling Check”, press
to select the word and then press
to confirm.
E. If you choose “2. Nearest Word”, access the explanation screen of the closest word.
F. If you choose “3. Add New Word”, access the input screen of User’s Dictionary. You
can input related information such as phonetic symbols and explanations for the new
entry. If you have saved this word in User’s Dictionary, the next time you input the
same word, it shall be displayed.
For example, if the word “abort” is misspelled as "abot" in English-Thai Dictionary.
1. Type [a][b][o][t]
2. Press
to display its definitions.
3. If you select “1. Spelling Check”, a list of
words will be displayed”.
4. Select “abort” and press
access the definition screen of “abort”.