The basic premise of the game is that you want to have a hand value that is closer to 21
than that of the dealer, without going over 21.
The value of a hand is simply the sum of the point counts of each card in the hand.
An Ace can count as either 1 or 11, it's assumed to always have the value that makes
the best hand.
The cards from 2 through 9 are valued as indicated.
The 10, Jack, Queen, and King are all valued at 10.
A blackjack, or natural, is a total of 21 in your first two cards. A blackjack is therefore
an Ace and any ten-valued card, with the additional requirement that these be your
first 2 cards. You win if you have a blackjack, unless the dealer has a blackjack too.
1. The game starts from setting your bet. Tap [F1Deal] to start, 2 cards will be dealt to
the players. If no one get the "Black Jack", the player has the right to choose [F2Hit]
or [F3Stand], or even choose [F4Double]
or [F5Split] when it appears.
If you are not satisfied with your current value, you can ask the dealer to “hit
you” which means let him deal another card to you. ”Hit” until you satisfies with your
value, or until you “bust“.
You stand if you don't want any cards more.
: If you think you will win without getting more than one card, you can
double your bet. If your total value is higher than the dealer's after receiving the card,
you win.
If your starting hand contains two cards of the same type (i.e. two 9's) you
can split them up into two new hands. You have to add an equal amount to your
wager and get two more cards dealt forming two separate new starting hands.
3. When the dealer's first card is Ace, there will be a pop up to ask if you want an
"Insurance" or not.
Insurance is offered to the players if the dealer's up card is an Ace, to
protect against dealer’s Black Jack. You will have to pay half of your original bet and
will get 2:1 odds when the dealer has a Black Jack. Unless you also have a black
jack your original bet is lost.