Berghof Automation GmbH | Harretstrasse 1 | 72800 Eningen |
DC1000_HB_en_2D0982010ZD00.docx | 2VF100108FE04.docx
Illegal memory access by the PLC program, e.g. by an invalid pointer.
Error correction:
The program error can be identified from the diagnostic data and/or the
Breakpoint List file (BPL) generated by CODESYS, and eliminated.
Further information on debugging with the aid of BPL files and debug-
ging in general is to be found in the “CODESYS Online Help” in the
“Berghof Target” section.
It was not possible for a task within the PLC program, which is moni-
tored by a watchdog to become active during the monitoring time. This
important watchdog-monitoring makes it possible to find errors in the
execution behaviour and in the tasking of the PLC program. For such
errors to be found at all it is important that each task is monitored by a
Error correction:
The program error can be identified from the diagnostic data and/or the
Breakpoint List file (BPL) generated by CODESYS, and eliminated.
Further information on debugging with the aid of BPL files and debug-
ging in general is to be found in the “CODESYS Online Help” in the
“Berghof Target” section.
Division by zero in the PLC program prompts an error stop.
Error correction:
The program error can be identified from the diagnostic data and/or the
Breakpoint List file (BPL) generated by CODESYS, and eliminated.
Further information on debugging with the aid of BPL files and debug-
ging in general is to be found in the “CODESYS Online Help” in the
“Berghof Target” section.
3.4. Decommissioning
3.4.1. Disposal
The Dialog-Controller must be disassembled into its component parts for disposal. All metal components can
be disposed of as recyclable metal.
Electronic waste
All electronic components such as PCBs, drives, etc. must be set aside and disposed of separately. Disposal is
generally regulated by national and local ordinances which must be complied with.