: This subframe is equipped with a helper spring
for the lift mechanism. The tension on the spring must
be released to be able to install or to dismount the
attachments. Tension can be released on the spring
when using the blade for example to scrape harder.
Release the tension on the spring by lifting the hydraulic,
remove the pin (item 2) and move the arm (item 3)
towards the front.
Secure with the pin (item 2) and hair pin.
Always raise the attachment to reduce the
tension on the spring before applying or
releasing tension on the helper spring. Firmly
hold the handle when you release the tension
because the arm will kick back due to the tension
on the spring.
Attach the snowblower to the subframe as shown.
Make sure the snowblower is pushed in until locked
into place by the springs (item 1).
Apply tension on the spring by lifting the attachment,
remove the pin (item 2) and move the arm (item 3)
towards the back.
Secure with the pin (item 2) and hair pin.
The lifting height of the snowblower
must not
be higher than 5".
If the height is higher than 5", adjust the height by
screwing the adjustment rod (item 4) into the push
tube (item 5) until the 5" maximum have been
Connect the driveline to the tractor's P.T.O. spline
Make sure that the driveline yoke is securely
attached to the tractor’s P.T.O.
Move tension arm and attach snowblower