Operating the Display Unit
6.3.2 Scanning through Data
The Display Unit can show data from only a limited number of channels at a time.
Scanning lets you display the data from large sets of channels by scrolling
through the data manually or automatically. Both methods scroll through data
using one of two sequences - the default sequence or a sequence based on
custom data sets.
The custom sequence consists of all of the channels that have been assigned to
custom data sets using the 3500 Rack Configuration Software. The order of the
sequence is the order of the data sets as listed in the main menu.
The Display Unit lets you scroll through either of these sequences of data
manually or automatically. Manual scrolling moves through the scroll sequence
one channel at a time by pressing the arrow keys or one screen at a time by
pressing the page keys. When you reach the end of the sequence of channels,
the scrolling starts over again at the beginning.
Automatic scrolling moves through the sequence of channels one display screen
at a time. The time interval between scrolls and the type of display mode are set
in the 3500 Rack Configuration Software. The type of display modes available
for automatic scrolling are Bargraph Mode and User Defined Sets. Automatic
scrolling displays data in a scroll sequence as follows:
If automatic scrolling uses this
display format…
the display unit shows data from
the scroll sequence…
8 channels at a time
16 channels at a time
When the automatic scrolling reaches the end of the scroll sequence, it starts
over again at the beginning.