55 BEN-
Plug the USB connector into a free USB port o
software as this interface uses a standard driver
system. As a result, it only takes a few seconds for the interface to be recognized
connected to your PC.
Connecting the USDB interface to your
Your Ben-E-Bike has a connector between the display and the mot
(note: extraction force is rather high!)
Now hook up the USB interface instead of the display
All Ben-E-Bike's of the first generation with the larger
the display.
The USB interface must not be connected to this LC
Neither the USB interface nor the
Starting the "MControl" software
The battery on the Ben-E-Bike must be switched on, so that the motor control
supplied with power.
If the red switch on the battery was already switched on and the batt
30 minutes, the red switch must be switched off
Stuttgarter Str. 72
D-78628 Rottweil
Plug the USB connector into a free USB port of your PC. There's no need for any additional
this interface uses a standard driver that is already included in the Windows operating
system. As a result, it only takes a few seconds for the interface to be recognized once it has
ting the USDB interface to your Ben-E-Bike
between the display and the motor control which you can disconnect
(note: extraction force is rather high!):
instead of the display.
of the first generation with the larger LC-display have the same connector
must not be connected to this LC-display!
r the "MControl" software are suitable for the LC-disp
Bike must be switched on, so that the motor controller and the interface are
If the red switch on the battery was already switched on and the battery was not used fo
0 minutes, the red switch must be switched off and on again after approx. 2 seconds
[email protected]
or any additional driver
already included in the Windows operating
once it has been
or control which you can disconnect
have the same connector directly on
and the interface are
ery was not used for more than
again after approx. 2 seconds!