Stuttgarter Str. 72
D-78628 Rottweil
[email protected]
Note: with our PC software, the strength of each support level can be customized!
Always remember that the higher the motor assistance level is set, the quicker the battery will be
discharged. So, if your child drives for comfort only at the highest level "5", the battery is discharged
very quickly.
c) Turning the lights on
If your bicycle dealer has installed a front and tail light on your BEN-E-BIKE and connected it to the
6Volts output of the motor controller, you can turn it on or off via the display. To do this, press the "+"
button for more than 1 second. A small icon on the display indicates when the light is turned on.
LED headlights need so little power that the battery is therefore hardly charged. So you can confidently
activate the light even during daylight conditions for better visibility.