Auto-Mute On/Off
With “
A m u t e o n
, unit will provide several X, K, Super
Wideband Ka audio alerts followed by the Digital Voice
announcement of the signal detected. After the Digital Voice
announcement, a “clicking” keeps you quietly informed for as
long as the signal is present. This clicking becomes more rapid
as the strength of the Radar signal increases.“
A m u t e o n
enables you to conveniently monitor extended encounters
without having to manually mute or adjust the volume setting.
Note—Because of their urgency, Laser alerts are not affected.
With “
A m u t e o f f
unit will provide a continuous series of
X, K, Super Wideband Ka and Laser audio alerts and a Digital
Voice announcement of the signal detected. Digital Voice
prompts are provided once after the initial audio alert. This
standard setting is often preferred when background noise in a
vehicle is loud. Factory setting is “
A m u t e o f f .
Radar/Laser Digital Voice Prompts
When “
R / L V o i c e
” is selected, unit will provide Digital Voice
prompts followed by “beeps” when X/K/Ka and Laser signals
are detected. Factory setting is “
R / L V o i c e
”. When
R / L t o n e
” is selected, unit will sound unique audio tones
Super Wideband Ka/Ka Narrow/Ka off (North American Mode only)
When “
Ka S-Wi d e
” is selected, unit detects Super Wideband
Ka signals and alerts at the 33.4
to 36.0 range. When
Ka o f f
is selected, the entire Ka bandwidth is not detected.
When “
Ka n a r r o w
” is selected, unit detects Ka signals and
alarms at the Ka frequencie(s) selected: 34.0
, 34.30
. Factory setting is all three Ka narrow frequencies
Safety Warning System
(North American Mode only)
, unit will provide a Text Message when signals from
transmitters are detected. Factory setting is