Beijer Electronics Fax 801-466-8792 Web Phone 801-466-8770
The Beijer Electronics QTERM® is a data-entry terminal for industrial applications. There are two distinct QTERM models
covered in this manual; the QTERM-IV and the QTERM-P40. When the term QTERM is used in this manual, it refers to any
one of these models. When the manual is referring to one of these specific models, then it will be indicated. The QTERM is
available in many different configurations; this manual discusses all versions and their operation.
The notation
in this manual always means the one-byte escape character (1Bh = 27 decimal).
This manual is written for Version 2.1 of the QTERM operation code. Be sure to read the file READ.ME on your distribution
disk for any changes due to newer versions of code.
The QTERM-IV and QTERM-P40 are CE certified products. They have been assessed against the requirements of EN
50082-1: 1992, EN 55022: 1987, and EN 60950 (including Amendments Nos. 1, 2, and 3). Based on conformity with these
requirements, the QTERM-IV and QTERM-P40 are deemed in compliance with all applicable CE directives.
The sections of this manual are as follows:
Quick Start. If you wish to start using your QTERM immediately, this chapter will show you how to con-
nect to the terminal and how to run the example software.
QTERM Software. This chapter provides a detailed listing of the QTERM commands and discusses how
to use them.
Using The QDATA File. The QDATA file is used to configure the QTERM. This chapter shows you how
to modify the file and load it into your QTERM.
QTERM Serial Modes. This chapter discusses the different communication modes available including
full-duplex, block serial and multidrop serial modes.
QTERM-IV Hardware. This chapter discusses the hardware of the QTERM-IV, including dimensional
drawings, interface specifications, connector pin assignments, performance and environmental specifica-
QTERM-P40 Hardware. This chapter discusses the hardware of the QTERM-P40, including dimensional
drawings, interface specifications, connector pin assignments, performance and environmental specifica-
ASCII Chart. This is a true 7-bit ASCII chart, along with mnemonic definitions.
QTERM Character Chart. This is a 256-character chart showing how the QTERM handles every charac-
ter it receives. The lower half is similar to, but not the same as, the true ASCII chart in Appendix A.
QTERM Command Summary. This is an abbreviated summary of QTERM software commands.