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There are only four steps required to communicate with the
use Power-On Setup to set the contrast, baud rate, data
format and serial mode
connect to your host transmit, receive and ground lines
apply power
transmit and receive with the QTERM
Power-On Setup
The Power-On Setup procedure is used to configure the
QTERM's display contrast, baud rate, data format and serial
mode. You use three different QTERM keys to do this con-
figuration (see Figure 1-1):
For the QTERM-IV:
Top - Right: this is the up key
Top - 2nd from Right: this is the down key
Top - 3rd from Right: this is the save key
For the QTERM-P40:
Left - Top: this is the up key
Left - 2nd from Top: this is the down key
Left - 3rd from Top: this is the save key
To perform the Power-On Setup follow these steps:
Hold down any key and apply power to the QTERM
(you do not need to connect the transmit and receive
The version of software in the QTERM will be dis-
played as long as you hold down the key, after which
the you can adjust the display contrast.
Set the desired display contrast using the up and down
keys. When the display is at a contrast you like, press
the save key.
Set the desired baud rate (see Table 1-1) using the up
and down keys. When the desired baud rate is dis-
played, press the save key.
Set the desired data format (see Table 1-1) using the
up and down keys. When the desired data format is
displayed, press the save key.
Set the desired serial mode (see Table 1-1) using the
up and down keys. When the desired serial mode is
displayed, press the save key.
Disconnect power and go to the next step.
Connect the Communications Lines
The EIA-232 and 5-volt Buffered have one transmit and
one receive line, while the EIA-422 has two transmit and
two receive lines.
Figure 1-1. Power-On Setup Key Assignments.