mobile Operating Manual
10. Carefully and fully open the valve on
cylinder 2 to ensure the back-up NO supply
is available in the event of cylinder 1
reaching empty during therapy. The cylinder
supplies will automatically change-over in
the event of the primary supply cylinder
reaching the empty level. See “Cylinder
Changeover” (Page 10) for more details.
11. Leave the system to settle for 2 minutes,
and carefully observe the monitored value
for the NO dose. The 2 minute settling time
allows any changes in the settings to be
fully observed.
12. Make any minor adjustments to the NO flow
as indicated by the dose reading of NO on
IMPORTANT: The dose table calculations are
approximate guides to the NO flow setting
required to achieve the desired dose. Variations
between ventilator set-ups and individual
systems may require slight adjustments (e.g.
+/- 10%) to this guideline flow rate to achieve
the exact dose level. If large adjustments are
required to the guideline flow rate to achieve
the dose rule out any system error with the
equipment (monitoring or delivery systems)
by following the troubleshooting actions in the
relevant manual.
If the monitor reading is very high or very low
compared to the expected value, ensure that
the monitor is functioning correctly and has
been appropriately serviced and calibrated
prior to use. Refer to the monitor manual
for troubleshooting actions in the event of
unexpected gas reading parameters.
In the event of high NO
readings with very low
expected NO, refer to the troubleshooting tips in
this manual as the set-up purge procedure may
not have been correctly implemented prior to
use, or a system fault may have developed.
Figure 5