mobile Operating Manual
Dose Calculation
The dose of NO delivered to the patient must be
defined by the acting clinician.
The NOxBOXmobile is provided with a Quick
Start Guide (QSG) that contains a series of
dose guidance tables that provide approximate
NO flow rates required to achieve the required
patient dose for given conditions of patient
ventilator flow and the supply gas concentration.
The calculations in the table are based on the
following formula:
NO flow (cc/min) =
1000 x Vent Flow (L/min)
[(NO supply concentration (ppm)/NO patient dose (ppm)) – 1]
Worked Example:
For a patient ventilator setting of 5 L/min, a
supply concentration of 1000ppm and a desired
patient dose of 4ppm, the set NO flow (cc/min)
NO flow (cc/min) = 1000 x 5
20 cc/min
NOTE: the actual patient dose being delivered
should always be confirmed by use of a
continuous INO monitor designed for the
purpose, such as the NOxBOXO
The guideline NO flow calculated using this
formula should be considered as a guide value.
Fine-tune the actual delivered dose by making
an appropriate adjustment to the flow to achieve
the correct dose on the monitor display.
IMPORTANT: Leave at least 2 minutes between
changes for any flow adjustments to fully take
WARNING: In the event that the indicated
flow is not producing a dose value close to
the expected dose, ensure all equipment is
correctly connected, calibrated and functioning
as expected before making large increases
or decreases in the NO flow value. See
“Troubleshooting” section (page 20) for common
diagnostic issues.