mobile Operating Manual
Cylinder Changeover
The NOxBOXmobile has a continuous NO
supply feature consisting of a two-cylinder
supply attached to an automatic change-over
unit (See Fig. 3)
The automatic change-over unit has a control
knob with an arrow (as shown).
When both supply cylinders are connected and
available, the unit will use the cylinder the arrow
is pointing at to supply to the patient (see Fig. 3,
supply is from Cylinder 2 in this example).
When the primary supply cylinder reaches
approximately 10 bar, the auto-changeover
unit will switch to using the secondary supply
cylinder, this automatic switch is controlled by
the available pressure and is independent of
where the control arrow is pointing.
Once the system has switched over the supply
cylinders, it is good practice to replace the
empty cylinder for a full cylinder to ensure back-
up gas supply is available to the unit.
To safely change an empty supply cylinder:
1. Ensure the system brakes are on and that
you have full and easy access to the gas
cylinder to be changed. Be aware of any
connections in place to other systems (e.g.
patient circuit) before moving the system to
avoid stretching lines.
2. Turn the auto-changeover control so that
the arrow is pointing at the new (full) supply
cylinder (i.e. away from the cylinder about
to be replaced, see Fig. 4, where cylinder
2 is being changed). This step is best
practice, if the control remains pointing
at the empty cylinder, when the supply is
replenished the system will switch back to
this cylinder, rather than continuing to use
the secondary cylinder.
3. Fully close the control valve on the empty
4. Using the spanner provided, very carefully
release the connection nut at the cylinder
valve. There will be a short sharp release
of gas at high pressure. Continue to
release the nut. NOTE: if there is sustained
gas release, then the cylinder control valve
is not fully closed. This MUST be closed
before removing the nut.
5. Once the nut is sufficiently loosened, use
your hands to undo the nut and remove the
gas line connector from the empty cylinder.
6. Loosen the straps from the empty cylinder
and remove from the trolley. Be aware,
an empty cylinder can be very heavy; see
“Manual Handling” (Page 7).
7. Install the new gas cylinder by following the
steps detailed in “Installing a Gas Cylinder”
(Page 9).
Figure 3
Figure 4