Installation Instructions
CDR Series
Genlock Adjustments
H PHASE (Colour Cameras Only)
Options: adjustable between 0 and 1023
The Horizontal Phase adjust parameter provides a means of adjusting the horizontal trigger
position relative to the genlock signal. Although the default value should be correct for most
situations, adjustments may be needed for long cable runs.
V PHASE (Colour Cameras Only)
Options: adjustable between 0 and 624
When using a genlock source for synchronisation, the Vertical Phase parameter allows the
trigger point to be adjusted to align the field synchronisation. One adjustment step is equal
to one TV line.
Options: ON, OFF
In order for the genlock option to operate correctly, both ends of the genlock cable need to
be terminated. Cameras may be connected in one of two ways:
a) The genlock signal may be sent to each camera individually. In this case, the genlock
termination parameter needs to be set to ON.
b) The genlock signal may be sent to several cameras in a daisy-chain configuration i.e.
one camera feeds the next and so on. In this case, the genlock termination parameter
needs to be set to OFF for all of the cameras in the system except the last in the chain
which should be set to ON.
SC PHASE (Colour Cameras Only)
Options: 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270 and 315 degrees
The Sub Carrier Phase adjustment parameter is used when an external genlock signal is
being used to synchronise a colour camera. It is used to adjust the sub carrier phase with
respect to the genlock signal. Select the setting that gives the strongest hues for the viewed
Linelock Adjustments
Options: adjustable between 0 and 624
When using a linelocked AC power supply for synchronisation, the Vertical Phase parameter
allows the trigger point of the AC power supply to be adjusted between 0 and 360
. This
should be used when the cameras are connected to different AC supply phases.