Next, lie down in the trunk with your head facing upward. You will see the two gold bolts that attach
each seat release mechanism. We will be using the inner bolt on each seat release mechanism.
Remove the two inner bolts using a 13mm socket wrench, and place these in a secure location.
At this point it helps to have a friend here, but it’s not completely necessary. Have the quick-release
knobs handy (near your head) because while lying in the trunk, you’ll have the enclosure resting on
top of you. Insert the front brackets (Side with BSW logo) into the holes that were occupied by your
seat release latches as shown above.
Now push the enclosure towards the rear of the car as much as you can, and lift the rear of the
enclosure up towards the rear deck.
Make sure your included washers have been placed over each knob/bolt combo (bolt through the
washer). Place one of the quick-release knob/bolt combos into one of the exposed seat release
mechanism holes.
With the enclosure secured, you can now thread the remaining quick-release knob/bolt combo into
the remaining hole.
As far as relocation of the seat latches, simply use only a
screw (5/8” -3/4” in length) to attach
the latches to your D110.E46 enclosure, or relocate as needed. We also will use Velcro strips to
either attach the brackets directly to the enclosure, or the sides of the trunk directly attached to the
grey carpeted panels.
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© Bavarian Soundwerks, LLC.
2195 Defoor Hills Rd., Suite D, Atlanta, GA 30318
P: 404.963.8857 |