Bavarian RC Messerschmitt Me-410
© 2021 BAVARIAN RC. Plans and instructions provided free of charge. Copies allowed for personal use only. Not for commercial use.
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Version Beta 1.0
Test fold the paper around the leading edge of the wing. You might need to adjust the cavity
a little bit in order to be in one line with the leading edge.
Apply glue to the paper and fold it around the leading edge. This will make the leading edge
in this area pretty strong and also gives it a very clean look.
Center your flap servos (I use 9g servos) and connect them to the servo wire extensions (100
– 200mm length).
Route the servo wires from the servo cut-outs through the little cut-outs in the aft spar
towards the large cut-out in the wing center.
Glue the servos in place and make the push rods for the flaps.
Connect the push rods to the servo arm (outer hole) and the control horn (outer hole) and
glue the control horn into the slot of the flap.
Do the same for both flaps.
Connect the wire extensions (300 - 400mm) to the aileron servos and route them (between
the two spars) towards the large cut-out in the middle.
Glue the servos in place and make the push rods for the ailerons.